The Issue You Mentioned Earlier
Installation: video, fuse box, acrylic, metal, projection, mushrooms
Two- Person Exhibition collaboration with Alberto Trejo Oretga
Installation: video, fuse box, acrylic, metal, projection, mushrooms
Two- Person Exhibition collaboration with Alberto Trejo Oretga
Chicago, IL
image credit: Brittany Laurent and Alberto Ortega
image credit: Brittany Laurent and Alberto Ortega

On March 19th, 2015, Florida’s emergency management chief Bryan Koon testified before the State Senate Budget Subcommittee on the news that the Federal Emergency Management Agency would pull federal funding from states that refuse to directly address climate change.
In alignment with his position of climate change denial, Koon went through a series verbal gymnastics to avoid using the scientific term for our current catastrophic path in his statements.A scaled steel cofferdam displays phrases exchanged in official emails by climate change deniers in the US Senate. Such phrases are projected over a melted piece of ice, residue of the Polar Vortex that hit Chicago one week before the opening of the show. Thuribles for a poisonous mushroom colloquially known as Destroying Angel embody the abstract threat of climate change. The gallery’s circuit box frames a nilometer that measures the scales of an Ideal Flood and a two channel video installation loops the works “Catastrophic Ice Formation” and “Order is human.”