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The Blue Parrot

Solo Exhibition + Residency

Chicago, IL
March 5 & 8


The project was made possible thanks to the support of Emilio Williams and Dr. Robert Murphy


windshields, steel, projection, garage
garage installation

The solo exhibition, Collabiosis culminated a multi-month  artist residency at the Blue Parrot in Chicago, IL.

/kəˈlabi ōsis|

A process or condition of collapsing together.

Collabiosis is an invented word that comes from combining - collabi ( the etymological root of  collapse and collaboration) and  osis (a suffix denoting a process or condition of change). Utilizing a wide range of materials which include: locally sourced clay, windshields, projection, and steel spoons. The multi-room installation investigates  transformation, perception, and time, highlighting the relationships between deconstruction and construction, chaos, and order.